
How Much Protein Can Your Body Absorb?

Striving to lead a healthier lifestyle by being physically active establishes a positive starting point, but keep in mind that exercise is only half the battle. You need to adjust your diet accordingly, too, and aside from eating healthier choices, certain nutritional values also need to be considered. 

For weight-watchers and aspiring gym buffs who plan to pack on some more muscles, consuming the right amount of protein sets the building blocks for your recovery and continuous muscle growth. 

But jamming more protein than you need doesn’t necessarily power up your gains; that’s why it’s important to understand the optimal amount necessary for your unique needs. So you may be wondering, how much protein can your body take?

Factors Influencing the Appropriate Protein Intake


Your weight is one of the most critical pointers that determine the right protein recommendations. In that regard, 20 to 25 per cent of your daily energy intake should be the goal for individuals planning to build muscle or lose weight. Keep in mind that you need to consume 0.36 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight in a day. 

You can adjust the range between 0.8 to 1 grams of protein per kilogram for adults while bumping up to 1 to 1.2 grams per kilogram for senior citizens since they need more nutrients to aid their recovery. 


Gender also plays a role in the amount of protein can take every day, wherein men need at least 56 grams regardless of their physical activity level. Of course, the number needs to increase to more than 100 grams of protein every day for heavier men planning to scale up their lean body mass.
As for women, they need an average of 46 grams per day to mitigate deficiency, though the amount can rise depending on the activity level, physique goals, muscle mass, and more. 


As mentioned above, elderly people need to consume more protein every day since muscle tissues can degrade over time. Eating higher amounts of protein becomes critical, especially in preventing age-related conditions like sarcopenia, which refers to a steady decline of lean muscle mass. 

The Bottom Line: Eating the Right Amount of Protein Ensures Your Body Heals After Workouts

When it comes to embracing healthier habits and monitoring your protein intake, it’s essential to give your body the optimal amount it needs to fully heal and strengthen. Too little, and you may run the risk of slowing down your progress, but eating protein in excess also won’t do anything for your gains. The key is all getting to know your body and eating just right! 

Where can I Find the Best Muscle Building Supplements in Australia

Getting the optimal protein intake to boost your muscle-building journey can be tricky and time-consuming, but the good news is that there are protein supplements that can bolster your fitness routine and fast-track your recovery. 

Check out our ultra-powerful, potent protein concentrate at Recov Faster, where our extensive selection strives to shake up the health-conscious market with our scientifically designed, fast-absorbing protein powders.


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