
Debunking 4 Common Myths About Protein

In the health, wellness, and fitness industries, the word “protein” gets thrown around a lot by experts and non-experts alike. Whenever you do an internet search about protein, you are sure to be bombarded by endless contradicting information that makes it difficult to know what you should apply to your diet or exercise routine.

Read on for a thorough debunking of four common myths about protein. Hopefully, after reading this article, you’ll have a better idea about how protein can help you meet your health and fitness goals.

Myth #1: Protein Automatically Induces Weight Loss

Many popular diet foods boast that they are supplemented with protein, therefore helping with weight loss. While the protein component of your diet makes you feel sated and full for long periods, it does not automatically make you lose weight.

Weight loss is all about getting enough macronutrients for energy and shedding them through exercise. Protein loading will not automatically melt off extra fat—in fact, protein is processed in your body the same way that carbohydrates are. Consuming more than you need leads to fat storage.

Myth #2: All My Protein Can Come From Powder

Protein supplements and shakes are fantastic to give you a boost after your workout, and these protein powders are absorbed into your body very efficiently. However, fast recovery protein powders should not constitute your protein intake for the entire day. Whether you’re a professional bodybuilder, an avid fitness advocate, or just a regular office worker, you need protein that comes from whole food sources.

It doesn’t matter if you get protein from a plant or an animal—both have their own benefits and different nutrients that will benefit your body. Just don’t make powders your primary protein source.

Myth #3: Protein Is Dangerous For Kids

All humans of every age need protein. In fact, children who are 18 months or older need a big protein boost because of the rapid growth that occurs throughout their childhood. They are constantly developing new muscle tissue, and their metabolism is firing very quickly.

If you have children, ply them with as much protein as they can eat. Red meat, white meat, beans, legumes—they need as many macronutrients as humanly possible.

Myth #4: Too Much Protein Will Damage Your Kidneys

Fear-mongers in the fitness industry love to tout the kidneys and liver as vulnerable organs when it comes to consuming nutrients. The truth is, unless you have an underlying kidney or liver disease, they will be fine no matter how much protein (or carbohydrates, or fats) you consume.

Healthy kidneys will be able to process pretty much whatever you can throw at it every day. Just don’t drink an entire canister of protein powder in a single day.


Protein keeps your muscles and bones strong and helps you feel full between meals. After a workout, a protein boost will do wonders for recovery and repairing your muscle cells. You need to make sure you consume enough high-quality proteins every day through whole and healthy sources.

Hopefully, the debunking of these four common protein myths has given you a better idea about the ideal protein intake for your age and fitness level.

Are you looking for the best muscle recovery supplements in Australia? Recov is an ultra-powerful protein concentrate derived from 100% pre-digested plasma protein. This formula is made up of precisely what your body needs to repair and recover after a workout. Recov provides the blood with a highly concentrated dose of amino acids to increase nutrient blood flow to the entire body. Check out our store today!

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